好開心....見到bc又再重做, 雖然已經睇了很多很多次, 亦在當年的百視達買下了Laser碟, 不過對我來說(我相信計算士也一樣)也會百看不厭的.
兩生花 The Double Life of Véronique
《兩生花》把奇斯洛夫斯基從波蘭帶到歐洲甚至世界影壇的舞台,兩個長相如孿生兒、年齡相若的女子,一個在法國一個在波蘭,從未碰面但卻往往心有靈犀。故事動人心弦的力量多年不減,影片的美也來自多方面:故事、音樂、女主角Irene Jacob以及畫面都美得令人嘆息。奇斯洛夫斯基在攝影方面用上濾鏡,令畫面呈淡黃色,增添一份脫俗的哀愁。
The Double Life Of Véronique is about two young women, the French Veronique and the Polish Weronika, both played by Irene Jacob. They never quite meet, but on an intuitive level, they’ve always felt each other’s existence. It is a film that examines a soul's search for identity and connection, and a told not so much in customary narrative structures, but in glimpses, hints, and intimations. Kieslowski uses a sepia overlay on the film to create a monochromatic, almost ethereal atmosphere, resulting in glorious, audacious and arresting shots.
法國 波蘭 France Poland / 1991 / 98mins 法語及波蘭語對白,中英文字幕 In French and Polish with Chinese and English Subtitles導演 Dir : 基斯托夫‧奇斯洛夫斯基 Krzysztof Kieslowski 主演 Cast : 伊蓮‧雅各Irene Jacob、菲立浦‧佛特 Philippe Volter
22 Mar 12:30pm
22 Mar 12:30pm